St. Louis, Missouri Senior Information and Referral Services:
St. Louis, Missouri senior information and referral service organizations which follow below provide a wide-range of services specific to the needs of older adults. These St. Louis, Missouri senior information and referral service organizations have large information databanks from which to draw upon. They are frequently used to assist both laypersons and professionals alike in providing problem solving direction and access to available resources and senior information for metropolitan St. Louis, Missouri.
St. Louis, Missouri Senior Information and Referral Services:
OASIS, St. Louis Regional
Phone: 314-539-4555 Fax: 314-539-4559
50 Gay Avenue, 2nd Floor, St. Louis, MO 63105
Counties Served: St. Charles, St. Louis, St. Louis City
Description: OASIS is a national organization dedicated to enriching the lives of adults age 50 plus, including educational programs and volunteer service. Free insurance counseling for Medicare enrollees is also offered. Counselors are trained by the CLAIM program and offer unbiased, confidential assistance with any health insurance problem you may have. Call 314.362.7587 to make an appointment.
Ozik Home Care Inc
Phone: 314-454-1219 Fax: 314-454-1382
5081 Page Blvd., St Louis, MO 63113
Description: Our main objective is to provide high quality home care services for elders and people with disabilities needing assistance in the comfort of their own homes. We
Provide Skilled Nursing, Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapies., Home health Aide for personal care assistance such as grooming, bathing, dressing and. feeding.
SAGE Metro St. Louis (Service and Advocacy for GLBT Elders)
Phone: 314-821-4845 Fax: 314-821-4845
P.O. Box 260016, St. Louis, MO 63126
Counties Served: Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles, St. Louis, St. Louis City, Clinton, Madison, Monroe, Randolph, St. Clair
Description: SAGE Metro St. Louis provides service and advocacy for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender elders.
Senior Services at St. Anthony’s Medical Center
Phone: 314-525-4745 Fax: 314-525-1868
12700 Southfork, Suite 175, St. Louis, MO 63128
Counties Served: St. Louis, St. Louis City
Description: A convenient one stop location for comprehensive medical services including consultation, assessment, speciality care, wound care, diagnostic and follow up care exclusively for older adults. Our senior service drivers provide door to door transportation to the medical center clients so that medical care and services can be easily accessed.
Shepherd’s Center of Webster/Kirkwood, Inc.
Phone: 314-961-2669
1333 W. Lockwood Ave., Glendale, MO 63122
Counties Served: St. Louis
Description: A telephone service offers help for seniors about Shepherd’s Center services, and local professional agencies that serve older adults.
South Central Pension Rights Project
Phone: 314-256-8780 Fax: 512-477-6576
4232 Forest Park Ave., St. Louis, MO 63108
Counties Served: Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles, St. Louis, St. Louis City
Description: The Project provides information and answers questions related to all types of retirement benefits. SCPRP also maintains a database of service providers for the elderly.