Top 5 Anti-Aging Systems Explained

Top 5 Anti-Aging Systems Explained

The value of anti-aging systems has never been more important. For generations this trend has been consistently reinforced: every generation seems to be living longer than the preceding one. Until now. The first decade of the new millennium presents irrefutable evidence that for the first time in more than 100 years, the lifespan is decreasing. This is a direct result of a high-stress, fast-food fueled, sedentary lifestyle.

Type II Diabetes is typically triggered by obesity and reflects a system that is unable to maintain adequate fuel levels and extract vital nutrients from dietary sources. Obesity is also a threat to general well-being:

It contributes to the development of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), heart disease and high cholesterol.

Additional weight increases the stress on the body and impairs the body’s ability to respond to environmental stress factors.

It dilutes self esteem and can trigger depression.

Let’s take a look at five proven anti-aging strategies and why they work.

Healthy diet and exercise: Consuming nutritious, whole foods from organic sources provides your body with the fuel it needs to function at peak efficiency. Exercise moves the nutrients consumed into the muscle and bone tissue and supports cardiovascular health. Good muscle tone and physical fitness mirrors the qualities of a youthful body and improves the chances for a better quality of life well into senior years.

Supplementation and medication: As we age our bodies are less efficient at extracting vital nutrients from the foods we eat. Therefore, it requires regular supplementation of quality vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, our society increasingly suffers from arthritis and other auto-immune disorders which place stress on the whole system. By managing pain and other inflammatory responses with appropriate medications, herbal teas and topical agents we are able to maintain an active lifestyle and with it a more youthful countenance.

Reduce stress: The body’s stress management system is founded on a survival technique: fight or flee. In today’s hectic lifestyle we operate at a demanding pace, balancing multiple priorities and managing difficult personalities. The pressure of getting everything done and keeping everyone happy in a 24-hour period imposes constant stress upon the body’s survival mechanism. This contributes to high blood pressure, digestive issues and fatigue.

Learn effective time management techniques and employ them in every aspect of your life.

Delegate! No one person can do it all, so empower those around you to take more responsibility and contribute to the well-being of the team.

Just Say No. We all have limitations and it’s important to know yours and work within them.

Drink plenty of water and reduce consumption of caffeine and alcohol. The human body requires ample hydration to maintain optimal organ function. By consuming sufficient amounts of still water (64 oz. is a good rule of thumb) organs are able to cleanse toxins from the system and skin remains plump and glowing. In contrast, alcohol and caffeine are dehydrating and place additional stress on the system. The “morning after” lines and wrinkles that may show up in the mirror are an example of how dehydration ages appearance.

Get a pet: Animals are great for lifting our spirits and taking us outside ourselves. Dogs, in particular, get us outside and moving by playing ball, chasing a tail or just going for a walk. They are great companions who ask for little and give back a lot. Pets are excellent at helping us to alleviate stress and making us feel loved, and pet owners are known to live longer, healthier lives.

Anti-aging systems do not need to be used exclusively. Try one or try them all. No matter how small your first step, take it and try it out for at least a month. Remember: it takes 21-times of repetition to form a new habit. In three weeks you could find yourself on the way to a more youthful you.

Article Source:
Ray A. Rubio is a skin care specialist providing advice on choosing the best wrinkle cream for you.

Additional Information and webpage by Paul Susic Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

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