Senior home modifications and resources in St. Louis, Missouri are involved in providing adaptions to homes such as ramps and other modifications to make your life easier if you are disabled or elderly. Senior home modifications and resources in St. Louis, Missouri feature adaptions to make it safer for carrying out activities of daily living such as cooking, bathing, cleaning and climbing stairs. All of the following agencies provide senior home modifications and resources in St. Louis, Missouri:

Senior Home Modifications and Resources in St. Louis, Missouri: An Overview
Missouri Listings:
Gianino Realty
Phone: 314-647-4635 Fax: 314-647-4535
7526 Big Bend Blvd., Webster Groves, MO 63119
Description: Senior Real Estate Specialist, Appraisal & Estate Sale Services, Downsizing & Relocation Services
Helping Elderly Live Privately & Safely (H.E.L.P.S.)
Phone: 314-913-4142
P. O. Box 270013, St. Louis, MO 63127
Counties Served: Jefferson, St. Louis, St. Louis City
Description: We provide assessments and discuss your options available with you so you may make an informed decision about your housing options and ability to remain as independent as possible.
Home Adaptations
Phone: 314-482-5052
18 Barberry Ln., St. Louis, MO 63122
Counties Served: St. Charles, St. Louis, St. Louis City
Description: Occupational therapists offer in-home assessments of a clients entire home or specified room with recommendations on appropriate modifications and equipment to meet an individuals changing needs.
Home For Life Solutions brought to you
by Lutheran Senior Services
Phone: 314-446-2421 Fax: 314-963-3570
1150 Hanley Industrial Ct., St. Louis, MO 63144
Counties Served: Jefferson, St. Charles, St. Louis, St. Louis City, Madison, Monroe, St. Clair
Description: Introducing — Home for Life Solutions. Home for Life Solutions is more than a medical alert button. It’s a personal emergency response system with upgradable, state-of-the-art technology, tools, and solutions that enable older adults to live safely and independently at home.
Home Services, Inc.
Phone: 314-531-9779 Fax: 314-531-5142
3755 Forest Park Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108-3311
Counties Served: St. Louis City
Description: Minor home repairs, accessibility Modifications and heating/cooling services. Contact office for details and eligibility requirements.
Homepro Corporation
Phone: 314-351-5283 Fax: 314-351-8708
P.O. Box 4321, St. Louis, MO 63123
Counties Served: Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles, St. Louis, St. Louis City, Madison, Randolph, St. Clair
Description: Keeping your loved ones safe at home. Products & Services for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities and Rehabilitation and Recovery Patients. Grab Bars, Railings, Stair lifts, Wheelchair Ramps, Hand Held Showers, Shower Seats, Extra Height Toilets, Auto Door Openers, Automated Lighting Controls, and Much More!