Breast And Prostate Cancer Cure With Green Tea

Breast And Prostate Cancer Cure With Green Tea

A substance with some promise for the prevention of breast cancer and prostate cancer for the future may be green tea. There have been several studies of East Asian populations which have found that women who drink large amounts of green tea may have lower incidence of breast cancer, and men who drink significant amounts of green tea may have lower rates of prostate cancer. Contemporary research has identified several molecules and flavonoids in green tea which may be helpful in reducing this risk. While the actual mechanism of action of flavonoids is not presently known, it is recognized that they are very powerful antioxidants, and some may even be more powerful then vitamins C and E combined. Additionally, it is believed that flavonoids may also have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, it may be some of the other effects rather than the antioxidant or the anti-inflammatory effects which produce the benefits of flavonoids in keeping the immune system younger in reducing the incidence of both prostate and breast cancer.The Green tea molecules seem to be quite fragile unfortunately. It is believed that the freezing and dehydration process that is used in importing green tea may destroy the chemical compound that is actually linked to the reduction of the growth of prostate and breast cancer cells. Because of this, to get the beneficial effects from green tea, an individual must drink as much as 50 cups a day. In the near future we may begin to see commercially available pills containing the green tea extract in its proper form. While there are some that doubt its beneficial effects, green tea extract may well be a preventative aid for both prostate and breast cancer. You should keep alert to any new information on this subject. Other preliminary studies have also found green tea as well as black tea to possibly have some cancer fighting abilities.

There have been many examples of both prostate and breast cancer prevention through understanding how certain nutrients in our diet may affect our risk of getting various cancers. Eating is one way that we interact with the environment in a way that it may either lessen or heighten our risk of developing prostate and breast cancer.

Some information from the Real Age Makeover by Michael F. Roizen

Additional information and webpage by Paul Susic Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist (Health and Geriatric Psychologist)

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